Never Whistle at Night

“There’s scary stuff in stories, sure, there’s stuff that keeps you up at night, there’s stuff that makes you watch the darkness you’re driving through that much closer.But there’s hope, too.Just—some nights you have to wade through a lot of blood to get there.” The foreword by Stephen Graham Jones for this is great. It…

Ancestor Approved: Intertribal Stories for Kids

“ A collection of intersecting stories taking place at a powwow showing the resilience, the joy, the hope, the beautiful community, and Native pride. Disclaimer: I am an adult white woman. I’m not the target audience for this book. However, I grew up in Wyoming and went to several powwows growing up. I loved going…

Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse

“We are but fevered stars,” he intoned, like an orator on a stage. “Here a little while, bright with promise, before we burn away.” Tova is shattered. The Crow God is holding the sun in eclipse, as a comet that marks the death of a ruler and the rise of a new order streaks across…

A Universe of Wishes

“I was a mess as a teenager. Brimming with wishes and wants. Spoiled and grumpy. A misfit loner. Tiny, mad, and full of so many unanswered questions about this weird world.” A Universe of Wishes is a young adult short story collection featuring some of the best own-voices Y.A. authors. This powerful and inclusive collection…

Vampires Never Get Old

“Vampires are creatures of imagination. Of myth and moonlight. Of terror and adoration.” For a long time I have been a sucker for great vampire stories. I was reading Anne Rice when I was in middle school, which is not something I condone by the way, I’m just saying that I was. I have been…

A Phoenix First Must Burn

“In order to rise from it’s own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn”- Octavia Butler Sixteen tales of by bestselling and award-winning authors, exploring the Black experience through science fiction, fantasy, and magic. The truly stunning narratives focus on Black women and gender nonconforming individuals. The stories are filled with love and betrayal, strength and…

Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

“Today he would become a god. His mother had told him so.” In the holy city of Tova, the winter solstice is usually a time for celebration and renewal, but this year it coincides with a solar eclipse, a rare celestial event proscribed by the Sun Priest as an unbalancing of the world. While the…

Hungry Hearts

Hungry Hearts is another anthology that I was interested in because… I love food. Food is central to so many things in our life and we may love it, but very few of us really stop to consider how important food is to family, community, and culture. These 13 tales all take place on Hungry…

2020 Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

This year has been a bit strange and I’m going to try not to include books that I have read before on this list, but I won’t make any promises. I have reread a massive amount of books this year to get me out of reading slumps provided by NetGalley arcs. Best book you’ve read…

Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

“Zero hero material over here. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m a loser, but I’m not exactly a winner, if you know what I mean. So maybe you could try someone else.” Seventh grader Nizhoni Begay is able to detect monster, like the man in the fancy suit at her basketball game,…